Post-Office Box 7035, Capitol Hill Stotlen Denver 6. Colc.

Til. PLorida 5-3430 (Soc.)

dirt rubs off and one of the recurring investigations reveals the corruption that the Informed know has always been characteristic of the vice squads. Do we really have a right to expect basic decency from men to whom we give such degrading jobs?" This plea, coming from informed and public-spirited private citizens, would be imadminister pressive enout. Coming from the man whose responsibility it is to

New York ty's courts, it is an indictment that deserves the concentrated attention of al' o are concerned with the legislation and execution of justice. "Can we tr.: our police," he concludes, "always to protect the innocent if they do not respect the rights of the guilty? Are we not sacrificing our prerogative to that trust just so that we may catch large numbers of prostitutes whom we know we can never help? It would be laughable if it weren't so tragic."

To this there is little that this reviewer could add, save to acknowledge the debt of gratitude owed by their city and country to a courageous public servant and his coauthor, who certainly belong in the front rank of all who look ahead to fundamental change in the evils they describe sa graphically and honestly.

Philip Jason

Mattachine Sodein



REVIEW EDITOR: Congratulations to the Mattachine Society on the occasion of Its 4th Annual Convention--Jock Argo, International Committee for Sexual Equality, Amsterdam, Holland

REVIEW EDITOR: I was hoping that the report of our Government Committee would have come out before this, but it is not due for publication until the second week in September, so until then the whole sit. vation is static. My very best wishes for the success of your convention and to all those taking part.--Peter Wildeblood, London

REVIEW EDITOR: I wish I could be in San Francisco for the convention; I'll miss it and the chance to renew my friendship with all of you. These are things about Mattachine that moon!

much to me; and I miss them very, very much. Accept my hopes. for a very suc.

cessful meeting, and please convey my best wishes to everyone. I'll be there in spirit at least.--Ken Burns, Los Angeles

REVIEW EDITOR: Your magazine provides many appreciable ideas. I thought Luther Allen's articles on "Values and Respon. sibilities" among the best-he did not sanction or try to protect the more sor. did elements of the "gay" life. What I miss in a magazine of this kind, as among homosexuals in general, is an un. derstanding and appreciation of the emo. tions of heterosexuals which influence their attitudes towards inverts. Most ho mosexuals find it extremely difficult to occept themselves; this, however, does not seem to make them more tolerant of the feelings of others who have no existential experience of inversion. As for as human relations are concerned, moch improvement can be made on both sides of the fence. I wish you success in your efforts to this end. Ms. J. V., Col. ifornia

mallachins REVIEW






Mattachine Society, Inc.



Denver Area
